S/NName of Project and LocationWorks DescriptionsYear Completed
1Development of Jurong West Lake GardensAll Roadworks2019
2Term contract for repair and construction of roadways at Changi AirportAll Roadworks2018
3Road Resurfacing – Woodlands Industrial Park E9Asphalt and Thermoplastic works2017
4All Roadworks – Singapore Storage & Warehouse Pte LtdAll Roadworks2017
5Construction of Mattar Station for Downtown Line Stage 3All Roadworks2018
6Repairs to sunken vehicular parking lots at Changi Airfreight CentreAll roadworks including repair and reinstatement2017
7C1688 Construction of station ER30 & Viaducts for tuas west extensionLaying of thermoplastic Road markings2018
8CAB JO8188 – Roadmarking and Road repair at Changi AirbaseAsphalt road resurfacing & Thermoplastic Road Markings2016
9RP270, RP271, RP272, RP273 – Road Maintenance, Road Markings and Asphaltic worksAll Roadworks2016
10TR238D – Roadworks in Singapore South East SectorAll Roadworks2019