Semi Rigid Composite Pavement material
Asphalt + High performance cement binder
Semi-rigid pavement is a composite pavement material – porous asphalt mix with air voids 25% to 30% which is filled or flooded by a specially formulated high-performance polymer modified cement mortar grouting material.
Benefits of Semi – Rigid Pavement
Semi Rigid pavement constructs much faster than traditional rigid pavements, is easy to maintain and able to withstand heavy traffic & loads. Semi Rigid pavement is also highly resistant to oil corrosion, and corrosion from many other chemicals unlike asphalt pavements. Semi Rigid pavements are therefore highly durable and long lasting, with low maintenance costs
These properties make semi rigid pavement the choice of pavement material for locations such as Airport Parking Aprons, Industrial loading yards, heavy duty industrial floor slabs, bus bays and traffic junctions.
In due time, all of Singapore’s traffic junctions will be replaced with Semi rigid pavement as part of Singapore’s continuous infrastructure improvement.
More reading & information regarding Semi-Rigid pavements
Installation of Semi Rigid Pavements

Semi Rigid pavement – Finished product

Recognized Road Works Specialist
Contractors such as C.K. Toh Construction Pte Ltd, licensed by Building & Construction Authority (BCA), approved by the Land Transport Authority of Singapore (LTA) play a prominent role in maintaining and upgrading the drivability of Singapore’s roads.
Throughout C.K. Toh Construction Pte Ltd 15+ years of experience as a Road Specialist Contractor, we have repaired, resurfaced and provided road markings to more than 7,000km of Roads in Singapore. A large majority of these were public roads, under LTA, Public Utilities Board, Singapore Land Agency. We also provide asphalt works to residential driveways, commercial properties, parking lots, recreational parks and industrial work areas.
Our experience has allowed us to provide the most cost-efficient solutions to our customers, balancing their need for durable work, with their existing budgets.
Differentiated Asphalt mixes
Road designs have to take into consideration the daily traffic load. In order to fulfill these different requirements, C.K. Toh Construction Pte Ltd also provides many different mix types to suit road designs and traffic load. Some of these Asphalt mixes are: W3/W3B Hot mix asphalt (HMA), Dense-Graded HMA, Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA), Open-Graded Wearing Course Asphalt (OGW).
One Stop Road Works Solution
C.K. Toh Construction Pte Ltd is able to provide you a one stop road repair, resurfacing and painting of road markings solution.